Skip Yoga, throw axes

Are you bullying yourself for “not working out enough?” If moving your body in some way/ exercise /fitness is something you enjoy (don’t worry - stay with me if it’s something you don’t as well). IT IS NEVER A BAD TIME TO “RESTART” 

When I say restart I never mean suddenly coming out full steam ahead and plan 5 - 6 days a week workouts. I mean start where you are and do what you want. Today. For 5 min. For 50. For 10. Dance in your kitchen, run a mile, garden, lift weights, do a 10 minute yoga video, draw with some chalk outside with a kid or solo, kick box, rollerskate, throw axes, go for a walk - there are no rules.

There is no wrong way to move your body. What will work for YOUR body is your own to know. What works for your best friend is not the same as you. You do not have to run if you hate running. You do not need to take HITT classes or yoga if you hate yoga. If you love them - yes! 

If you are someone that knows they want to move their body more but you don’t know how - what did you enjoy doing as a kid? What feels fun and sustainable?

If you are someone that likes to move but falls in/out of doing all the things and doing nothing cycles - what if you intentionally planned to do less? What is the worst that can happen? 

I love helping people with finding sustainable movement practices that work and building routines for real life. You can hit reply if you have a question or want to learn more or you can learn more about coaching here.