Eat cheese at 11PM and it's okay say yes or no to what you need.

Sometimes we have to be brave when we don’t think we have it in us. 
Sometimes we have to say yes to things when they feel right but scare us.
Sometimes we have to say no to things that we know are hurting us. 

Don’t do exercise if it hurts you and you hate it. Don’t eat foods that make you sick (lol -shout out to my fellow dairy sensitive humans and their lactic stash)

Spend time with people that don’t make you question your worth or leave you drained. Meet new people that make you feel excited. This isn’t drop everyone you have every spoken to, but be mindful and protective and loving to yourself and whatever you need. 

What you need is not the same as what someone else needs. That is okay. One person’s way of living/exisiting/ being a human is not who you are. You are not wrong or bad or flawed or broken because of this. 

You do not have feel bad. You do not need to bully yourself for eating cheese at 11PM and you don’t have to be friends with someone that leaves you feeling drained. It’s never too late to take a step in a new direction.

If you are struggling with buckets of self doubt and perfectionism in life and food and your relationship with exercise and relationships and your body. I’m here. It’s never too late. You are never too old or busy to work on your sh*t. And if it’s not time, it’s not time. 

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